in tandem
Turn your partnership API documentation into a simple, powerful, no-code workspace.
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in tandem
Turn your partnership API documentation into a simple, powerful, no-code workspace.
Move fast and launch things
Tandem unblocks teams working on software partnerships between organizations. PMs, engineers, and account managers can scope and launch integrations with speed, clarity, and efficiency.
Move fast and launch things
Tandem unblocks teams working on software partnerships between organizations. PMs, engineers, and account managers can scope and launch integrations with speed, clarity, and efficiency.
How it works
Powered by your documentation
Easy data translation and mapping
Validate against documentation
Completely customizable
Generate awesome documentation
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Upload existing API documentation, and turn it into a workspace for your Partnership and Integrations teams to build out and validate workflows between you and your partner APIs
How it works
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Upload existing API documentation, and turn it into a workspace for your Partnership and Integrations teams to build out and validate workflows between you and your partner APIs
Level up your integrations program
Unlock partnership revenue
Tandem lowers the upfront cost of partner integration, enabling long-tail opportunities that historically didn't add up.
Integrate at the speed of partnership
Spend less time waiting for engineering team bandwidth. Tandem hands the reins of partner integration timelines directly to the teams responsible for their delivery.
No more launch day surprises
Tandem adheres to your API specifications, so the workflows you build are validated against each APIs rules and data requirements. Goodbye, post-launch thrash.
Stop weighing partnership against product
We built Tandem to empower integrations teams to execute and launch. That means fewer tradeoffs when you're weighing lucrative partnerships against other product priorities.
Level up your integrations program
Built on industry API
specification standards
Tandem currently supports API specification imports of Open API (v2 & v3) and Postman collections. Because we provide a lot of functionality after import, we have requirements of the data we ingest before it can be used. Check if your API is compatible here.
Built on industry
API specification standards
Tandem currently supports API specification imports of Open API (v2 & v3) and Postman collections. Because we provide a lot of functionality after import, we have requirements of the data we ingest before it can be used. Check if your API is compatibility here.
Integrate what you
when you want
No need to wait for us to build support for integration-specific business logic. Tandem uses your API documentation to populate your workflow triggers and actions. So if your APIs support it, we can use it.
Integrate what
you want, when you want
No need to wait for us to build support for integration-specific business logic. Tandem uses your API documentation to populate your workflow triggers and actions. So if your APIs support it, we can use it.
while managing
the details
Tandem supports both partnership- and workflow-specific configurations and settings, so you can manipulate or set values in your workflows at the level that you need to.
Scale while
managing the details
Tandem supports partnership- and workflow-specific configurations and settings, so you can manipulate or set values in your workflows at the level that you need to.
Supported Open API versions:
How do I get an API Spec?
Check Your API Spec
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